Storage of your furniture and possessions

The modern facilities Monarch use will guarantee peace of mind during the storage period. Goods will be stored in customised wooden containers or ISO Steel Shipping Containers, both can be packed at your residence. Clothing can be stored in hanging garment carriers. Once the goods are packed into the storage containers they are not handled until you require delivery.
Your effects can be stored for a few days or indefinitely. Access to your goods can be arranged with prior notice.
We provide an itemised inventory for each customer. This ensures that all items are accounted for and will assist you if you need to retrieve anything before the consignment leaves the store.
Contact Monarch on 0800 999 1441 or Email: for your FREE extensive survey by one of our Relocation Surveyors. It gives you the chance to discuss your particular needs, look at potential problem areas and devise specific solutions to suit you.